Israeli government propaganda of the 50's-70's

The label says: Give you lovers a peaceful life.
You have the right to oppose autopsies

Save water !

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Military matchboxes

Israeli's old air fighters

Israeli Marines
Israeli Marines
Israeli Field Security Propaganda - Hashhhh, keep quiet, the Enemy listens

NUR's famous series

The Zodiac series (one is missing)
Children fairy tales
The 12 tribes series (one is missing)

Old NAMER company's boxes. The company was later acquired by NUR


The NAMER company (Tiger in Hebrew) logo

The NAMER'S Fish series (many are missing)
Wild animal series (probably many are missing)

And now let's see my Israeli matchboxes collection. Let's start with NUR's company boxes

The NUR logo

Old NUR's labels


NUR Matches company
"Nur" ("light" in Arabic) match factory was open in 1924 in Akko in the Ottoman times building by Weizmann family (Chaim Weizmann later became the first president of Israel).

During the British mandate match production was under strict British control (the ingredients could be used for production of explosives to be used against the British).

Wooden and wax matches, produced at the factory, were sold in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Wax matches were popular in Europe. During the WWII the factory was the only one in the Middle East and after proclaiming the Israel - the only one in the country.
At late 1960-s the factory was closed and the production transferred to newly-equipped Haifa factory. Till the end of 1990 the building was used as match warehouse (for Haifa factory and after its closer - for imported under "Nur" trademark).

In 1997 the machinery still kept in the building were sold to Brasilia.
The ruins of the old building still "decorates" the historical center of Akko
One of the factory logos

The above information about NUR was taken from the website The Virtual Museum    (all rights reserved)